House Bill 443 will hurt pets and families in Ohio. The bill would allow localities to enact “Puppy Prohibition” laws that ban pet sales. In other states, Puppy Prohibition laws have led to an increase in online scams, where people are ripped off when trying to get a pet.

These laws also hurt puppies themselves by creating a black market where regulators cannot ensure the welfare of dogs. The Centers for Disease Control has warned of a rise in illegal pet trafficking, where scammers import dogs from foreign puppy mills under the guise of “rescue”—a practice that is driven by Puppy Prohibition laws.

Puppy Prohibition laws don’t work. The state of Ohio previously passed laws increasing standards for dog breeders, which animal advocates called “one of the strongest puppy mill laws on the books anywhere in the United States.” House Bill 443 would undo progress in protecting puppies and challenging mills.

Better Solutions

People are rightly seeking to ensure the welfare of animals sold through stores. The way to do this is to address animal welfare directly. Banning stores from selling animals only creates a black market where there is less protection for animals. After all, Prohibition didn’t stop moonshiners–it helped them. 

Effective solutions include:

Ready To Help?

Tell your legislators to oppose pet bans!